22fda1de22 Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling Hotel and Lodging .... Competitive advantages are conditions that allow a company or country to produce a good or service of equal value at a lower price or in a more desirable .... Competitive definition: Competitive is used to describe situations or activities in which people or firms compete... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and .... Definition of competitive: Good, service, or offer that can hold its own against competing products because it offers an attractive value for money proposition to its .... For the weekend warrior rising through the ranks or the full-time competitive shooter, there really is no other option - the new Colt Gold Cup® Trophy.. 4 hours ago ... Hitman 2 will let players battle each other in a one-on-one, real-time competitive mode, a challenge to see which player can assassinate five .... 1 day ago ... Taylor Swift Succumbs to Competitive Wokeness. The pop star has long avoided partisan politicking—but in the culture industries, making a .... Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you.. Synonyms for competitive at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for competitive.. Competition is, in general, a contest or rivalry between two or more entities, organisms, animals, individuals, economic groups or social groups, etc., for territory, .... : of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than others : relating to or involving competition. : having a strong desire to win or be the best at something. : as good as or better than others of the same kind : able to compete successfully with others.. Define competitive. competitive synonyms, competitive pronunciation, competitive translation, English dictionary definition of competitive. adj. 1. Of, involving, or .... competitive. adjective. involving or determined by rivalrycompetitive sports. sufficiently low in price or high in quality to be successful against commercial rivals. relating to or characterized by an urge to competea competitive personality.. Enrol into the free management for a competitive edge course to learn the strategies of successful managers.. Definition of competitive - relating to or characterized by competition, as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.. Company competition, or competitiveness, pertains to the ability and performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to sell and supply goods and services in a .... competitive definition: 1. involving competition: 2. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people: 3. Competitive prices, services, etc. are as .... competitive. If you're competitive, you want to be the best. No one likes to lose, but if you are a competitive person, it will be especially disappointing to see someone else win. People who are competitive like to compete — to find out who knows the most, runs the fastest, can eat the most hot dogs, and so on.. competitive meaning, definition, what is competitive: determined or trying very hard to be mor...: Learn more.. This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page per etymology instructions. You can also discuss ...